The rash now has spread. At first it was hardly noticeable, but now it is starting to peak out from beneath my shirt collar. My “counselor” says that it is all a by-product of my unhealthy attachment to certain recyclables. I’ve told her over and over that this could not possibly be the case. Afterall, I DO recycle the stuff eventually.
Those ketchup bottles (and that word always amuses and vexes me – is it catsup or whatever? you get the idea) are not polyethylene. There is no number on them. If they are not PE then they can’t legitimately be recycled! Failing to put numbers on them should be illegal and if I ever finish those letters to the state legislature it will be.
Anyway, the rash…I’ve been putting a diluted solution of vinegar, salt and water on the rash and that seems to help.